Action For Breast Cancer Foundation

At Burmarrad Group, we believe in giving back to the community and supporting causes that truly matter. Recently, we had the honor of hosting a special talk by the Action For Breast Cancer Foundation. This event was not only informative but also marked a significant step in our commitment to making a positive impact. In this blog post, we’ll share the highlights of this event, including a generous donation from our CEO, Sharon Gauci.

The Special Talk: The Action For Breast Cancer Foundation is a remarkable organization dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer, supporting patients, and advancing research in the fight against this devastating disease. We were thrilled to have their representatives share their insights and expertise during a special talk at our facility.

Donation from BG: At the conclusion of the talk, our CEO, Sharon Gauci, had the privilege of presenting a substantial donation on behalf of Burmarrad Group to the Action For Breast Cancer Foundation. This donation will help support their vital work, from providing valuable information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

We firmly believe that by joining forces with organizations like the Action For Breast Cancer Foundation, we can make a real difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer. Together, we can offer support, raise awareness, and help in the fight against this disease.

Visit for Valuable Information and Support: If you’d like to learn more about breast cancer, access valuable information, or get involved in supporting this noble cause, we encourage you to visit the official website of the Action For Breast Cancer Foundation at There, you’ll find a wealth of resources and opportunities to make a positive impact.

At Burmarrad Group, we are proud to have hosted the Action For Breast Cancer Foundation and made a significant donation towards their mission. We remain committed to supporting important causes and believe that together, we can create a brighter, healthier future. To stay updated on our initiatives and learn more about our partnerships, be sure to follow our social media channels and use the hashtags #ActionForBreastCancer, #DonateForACause, and #BurmarradGroup. Thank you for being a part of our journey to make a positive impact!

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